Microtel Innovation

The challenge we face is creating high-added-value engineering solutions, they are unique because built on our customers needs in order to grow and develop their business. Our skills and knowledge, gained and achieved by our team on several fields, are combined to provide valuable, efficient and unique solutions.

Everyday we deal with specific and heterogeneous issues that, to be solved, require experience and great flexibility of approach. This is the reason why Cinetix Group is always aiming for creative and innovative solutions.


We are experts in Engineering solutions, applied to different industries, ranging from ICT applications and Telecommunications, to the project of Industrial Plants, with the mission to design high added-value innovative products and services.


Our in-depth study, research and close collaboration with Universities, Research Organizations and Technology Partners, has always been our strength. This is what distinguishes Cinetix Group.


Thanks to our accomplished know-how, we design unique solutions: among which Telecommunications Networks Supervision Systems, Solutions for Industrial Automation, Innovative Test Equipment for Telecom and Power providers.


Cinetix Group is an international corporate. Our solutions are designed to satisfy the special requirements of an always more demanding global market. We have a worldwide presence and we are always becoming more capillar.

Cinetix Group is an Italian company, born in 2003, composed of different companies, operating in several High-tech fields: Telecommunications, Traffic Monitoring Applications, ICT, Sustainable Mobility, Industrial Design and Industrial Plants Design and Automation.

Thanks to the founders’ strong experience in Telecommunications and Traffic Monitoring Applications, we have established, over the years, collaborative and profitable partnership with Universities, Research Organisations and several Associations, creating a Customer oriented business culture. We boast a wide products, services portfolio, consulting activities, including System Integration and Industrial Engineering.

Our cross-cutting skills range from Information Communication Technology to Industrial Automation. For this reason, we create unique products, offering our customers also custom solutions. We also handle the entire product/service life cycle, from feasibility analysis to commissioning.

Cinetix now has its legal and operational headquarters in Borgo Valsugana (TN), where the most innovative R&D activities are being carried out in the new Technological Center. Other offices are located in Padua, Rome and Milan where operational and research and development functions are carried out.

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Le aziende del gruppo Cinetix sono presenti nel "Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato" di cui all'articolo 52 L. 234/2012